3 Myths That Get in the Way of Bed Bug Control Often!

 First of all, get over this misconception, “Bedbug was a pest of the past!” Most homes of Wellington get infested these days with this. The small, flattened insect that feeds on your blood needs to take care of ASAP, and only experts can help you with bed bug control in Wellington.

But many homeowners avoid that by overwhelming with a few common misconceptions about bed bugs. If you are one of them, today’s post is for you. Have a look!

bed bug control

Misconceptions to Be a Hurdle in the Way of Bed Bug Control

Bed bugs spread rapidly! Still, many homeowners avoid calling the pest control experts to prevent that by believing in some notorious myths. Straight from the experts, some facts are here behind those that you need to know:

Myth 1: Bedbug can fly!

Most homeowners think that bedbugs can fly, which the infestation can be in the entire home. And calling pest control experts can be expensive. Yet, it’s better to move to a new home!

But the truth is that bedbugs don’t have many wings to fly from one place to another. They crawl faster from your bed to couch, bags, or outfits. Hence, moving home doesn’t make sense. Instead, let it handle the pest control experts!

Myth 2: Bedbugs bite only at night!

To be honest, these pests are no different from humans! Just like us, when the bedbugs feel hungry, they look for something to eat, which means bedbugs don’t bite only at night, but anytime. If you have pest infestations at home, the chances you can get a bite from these tiny vampires even in the daytime while sitting on the couch or bed.

Myth 3: Bedbugs can be only on mattresses!

A big NO for this! As stated, bedbugs can crawl faster. It can spread in minutes from the bed to the couch, surface, and living spaces. That’s why many pest control experts advise looking over your luggage whenever travelling and living in a hotel room. Or else, the bedbugs can invade your home by travelling on your baggage. 

bed bug

Where to Contact to Getting Rid of Bed Bugs

You can’t just spray away the bedbugs! It’s better to rely on pest control experts. Pest Control Services Wellington is the only one to call for bed bug control in Wellington. They ensure complete eradication of bed bugs with their extensive extermination and preventative. Visit their website to have further info.


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