Do You Want to Get Rid of Bedbugs? Follow These Guidelines!

 Picture this: You are having a peaceful sleep and suddenly feel something piercing your skin. In the morning, you find red itchy spots and clusters of bites on your hands and legs. No, it’s not a nightmare, but the truth is that your bedroom is full of bedbugs. And if you want to get rid of bed bugs, you better follow a few tricks. Have a look!

bed bug control

Smart tricks to get rid of bedbugs in the breeze

To eliminate the bedbugs from your home, you need to ideate how bigger the infestation is. For that, the following steps may help you:

Find the signs of bedbugs:

Sometimes, you can’t guarantee a bedbug infestation at home unless you get any signs. And the following ones may help you assure of that:

  • Small blood spots on your bedsheets
  • Dark stains on the bedding and carpets
  • Red itchy and cluster of spots on your skin
  • Light-brown moulted skin around the bed

Get rid of the bedbugs:

Once you have identified even the minimal infestation of bedbugs at home, start doing the following tasks from now:

  • Bedbugs can hide and live in the cracks of the bed frame and around the mattresses. So, make sure that you vacuum your bedroom regularly to bring those out!
  • If you have bedbugs at home, washing and drying the bedding and outfits at high heat is essential. High heat works as deadly for the bedbugs.
  • Don’t miss picking up the clutters, especially when you have just moved to a new place. Bedbugs can invade your home with travel bags and luggage.

However, if the infestation is too high to control, let the pro handle it!

bed bug

Do you need expert help?

When the infestation goes out of control, getting expert help from pest control professionals is smart! Pest Control Services Wellington can assist you in getting rid of bedbugs and leaving your bedroom safe to sleep in. Visit for more details!


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