5 Common FAQs to Learn About Wasp Control in Wellington!

Spring is left only one more month, and you plan to step outside to enjoy the sun now as much as possible! It’s because the climate will start to get warmer, and you end up getting burnt under the sun’s rays. But you should know that it’s not the only thing that can interrupt your outdoor activities but wasp too! And most homeowners have queries for wasp control in Wellington before getting expert help. In today’s post, you can get to know some of those!

wasp control

Commonly asked questions about wasp control

Just like other homeowners, you may probably have a number of questions. Here are some of those that you can look over to meet your queries. Such as:

Are wasps and bees different?

The best way to distinguish the wasps from the bees is by identifying their shiny and hairless bodies with black and yellow stripes. Honey bees come with less visible stripes of brown and in a larger size. Also, the wasps feed on insects and foods.

“Should I kill the wasp myself?”

If there is one wasp or two, you can eliminate them somehow! But try to avoid killing those because it can attract more then! Also, when the infestation is high in your home yard, or you scare of those, get help from the experts. Let the pest control professionals remove the wasp nest safely instead of doing that on our own!

Where can you find wasp nests at your home?

Most times, you can find those in your garden trees or under the sheds of your porch. All you need to follow a wasp while entering or going outside of your room to identity their nesting. If you get there a severe infestation, go for professional pest control help!

What do wasps eat?

As mentioned before, wasps feed on insects and even the food we have. But depending on the species, it can vary from one to another. For example, paper wasps eat deceased insects and carrion found in dead flesh.

Can I treat wasp sting?

If you have got a bite from wasps by any chance, don’t leave it untreated! First, clean the place and ice there to reduce the swelling. Then, gently apply some antiseptic lotion there!

wasp control wellington

Get the best pest control services here!

Do you want to get rid of this wasp nuisance? Then, look o further than Pest Control Services Wellington! Their experts offer quality wasp control in Wellington with safe extermination and preventative techniques. Head over to their website for further info!


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